Email Best Practices Used by Successful Entrepreneurs

Appa Book


Email Best Practices Used by Successful Entrepreneurs

Email marketing is an essential component to any digital marketing strategy Billions of people use email.

what is email marketing

It’s the driving force behind customer acquisition as well as retention.

And it is a direct way to engage with your audience. A lot goes into crafting the perfect email, curating your email list, and setting up automations.

These email best practices will keep your subscribers engaged and your business thriving!

Email Best Practices for Sending Emails

There is a science to sending emails. It’s not as simple as it sounds.

When should you send them? How often? What type of subject line gets the most clicks?

Before you start sending, make sure you are following these email best practices.

The subject line.

Your email subject line is SO important.

Email best practices for your subject line range from just plain writing great subject lines to including emojis.

When writing a subject grab subscribers’ attention.

You want something catchy and a little bit click baity. Make your email subscribers curious but don’t give away too much in your subject line.

The goal of a subject is to get them to click and keep reading your email.

Other email best practices for subject lines include making them time-sensitive.

Things like “get it before it’s gone” or “last-minute savings” or “sale closes at midnight” are all attention grabbers that…

…make customers feel like they need to shop right now.

When you are writing your subject be careful and don’t include all caps or too much punctuation.

This can look spammy not only to customers but to email servers.

Getting marked as spam by users can automatically land you in the spam folder for other users that didn’t mark you as spam.

Another way to jazz up your subject lines is to use emojis but only if it makes since for your business.

It can really help your emails stand out! Just be careful not to use too many emojis.

You don’t want to distract from the meaning of your subject line.

You should also be mindful that not every email server will show your emoji so your subject line should be able to stand alone without it just in case.

Which email did you see first? Probably the one with the emoji right? Emojis add a little bit of flare and color to a very grey inbox.

Personalize everything!

Make your subject line personal. Use your subscribers’ names. You don’t have to stop at the subject line.

Just like Spotify and Netflix offer suggestions on which songs you should hear and movies you should watch, you can do the same in your copy.

Show your subscribers products that were chosen just for them or come up with other creative ways to personalize your brand.

Make customers feel like the email is tailored to them.

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